Wednesday, February 27, 2008

New checked luggage policies - paying for extra bags?!?

Come on! Is it not enough that sky rocketing fuel costs are causing airline ticket prices to increase?? Just today, US Airways announces that travelers will be allowed one free suitcase and will be charged $25 for extra luggage (effective for travel after May 5, 2008). I don't know about you but I am ALWAYS at risk for paying for heavy luggage due to packing too many diva essentials - but knowing I have the "safety net" of bringing an extra bag, I can usually balance out the weight. United has already implemented this policy and I won't be surprised if others follow.

More details on US Airways new policy can be found here.

With this new rule in place, how's a Diva supposed to pack all of her necessities AND shop for goodies during her journey?? Tips on packing lighter, please share!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

London update

My company policy states that all project related flights over 5 hours are to be booked in first-class – which means I booked my flight to London in first class – yippie! Now, I’m a little foggy on the exact rule – not sure if my training trip actually “qualifies” as project-related but hey, I figure I’ll take my chances. Trust me, once you’ve flown first class, especially on a long international flight, it’s hard to go back to coach ;)

Next week, I’ll be staying at the Southwark Rose Hotel – which looks good on paper but based on the reviews on TripAdvisor, I’m not so sure. Even it’s website says “There are no frills with us ~ You won’t hear us talking about luxurious furnishings, lavish restaurants and trendy bars. What you will experience however, are high standards of design, stylish but simple décor and, perhaps most importantly, refreshingly affordable prices.” Why then am I staying here, you ask? Because it is F-R-E-E and paid for by the company – enough said :)

Last year I stayed at the swank Malmaison London, which is definitely fit for a diva. Plush rooms, hip lounge, and perfectly situated near Charterhouse Square and Farringdon and Barbican tube stations, it was a great place to lay my head ;) Unfortunately, Malmaison is completely book during the week I’ll be there.

Nonetheless, I’m excited to return to United Kingdom – stay tuned for more London tales!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Get Ready - The Divas are headed to Cabos!

Las Vegas was a blast in 2007 but the divas are ready to see what Mexico has to offer - Cabos here we come! So far we have 9 friends confirmed for a fun, all inclusive stay at the InterContential Presidente Los Cabos Resort - sunshine, here we come!

Tips for enjoying Cabos? Please share!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Next Stop on the Map

London! I'll be visiting London for the 2nd time in a few weeks. This year's trip will be slightly different than my last - I'll be traveling solo this go round and meeting coworkers. Last visit my hubby joined me - once we got over the shell shock of the decling US $ exchange rate, we partied and were tourists of the city. For anyone visiting for the 1st time, I would highly recommend one of the Walking Tours - a fabulous way to experience the essence of the city in a short amount of time. Watching the daily guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace was definitely my favorite!

This year's trip, I'm hoping to score some deals at the Camden Market, an outdoor open-market carrying everything from vintage fashion and jewelry to household goods and antiques. I'm always a sucker for flea market type shopping - I'll be sure to keep you posted on my finds ;)

Saturday, February 16, 2008

THE first post

This blog is long overdue. At least 2 years overdue but hey, who's counting? ;) For the past 2 years, a group of girlfriends decided to carve time out of their busy schedules for some "me" time - we generated buzz, gathered in Las Vegas from 3 different cities and once we gathered, we became addicted to our annual gatherings! There's no stopping us now! We call ourselves Living La Diva Loca - Living like a true diva, with crazy adventures and always in style!

In addition to the "traveling diva tales", I've been lucky enough to score a job that takes me out of my cubicle and onto flights to London, Sweden, Vancouver and other neat places.

So, welcome to the world of Living La Diva Loca and the traveling divas! Grab your rolling luggage and passports and join our adventures!