Sunday, January 23, 2011

Where in the World in La Diva?!?!

I know, I know – it’s been what seems like forever since I’ve shared my thoughts with you all. 2010 shaped up to be a whirlwind of a year, travel wise. At some point, it’s time to stop the juggling act and focus on one (or simply a few) thing at a time.

To fill you in on where the past few months have taken me:


Barbados with The Divas!

BFF Wedding (always a great excuse for gathering girlfriends)

Ahh, The Hamptons


New York x endless times - You can never get enough of the Big Apple
NYC girlfriend getaway – shopping, shopping and more shopping!

Poland (yes, Poland), twice!

Virginia Beach, twice!

And I can't forget, Christmas with The Grinch ;)

And of course, lots of track meets, birthday parties, swim lessons, and a ton of places in between....whew! And the highlight of my year.....seeing Mr. Denzel Washington in the flesh outside of Fences. 

Here's to a awesome, travel-filled 2011!

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